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An ethics-based recognition system for digital solutions for ageing well

In July 2020, the AAL Programme released its Guidelines for ethics, data privacy and security. These guidelines provide reflections and guidance on how to achieve ethical excellence for solutions targeting active and healthy ageing (AHA) through digital technologies.

As a follow-up to these guidelines, the AAL Association, supported by R2M Solution, works to investigate the relevance and interest for a new ethics-based recognition system/label/certification for AHA solutions. The association is interested to gather opinions and feedback in particular from :

  • supply-side (developers/manufacturers of AHA solutions),
  • demand-side (end-users of AHA solutions),
  • promoters (organisations making dissemination around AHA solutions),
  • assessors / certifiers (organisations that are assessing/evaluating/rating AHA solutions),
  • and researchers (organisations conducting research connected to AHA solutions).

The online survey can be completed here.

Background information as well as the survey canvas are provided in the attachments, and any question can be addressed to

Source: R2M Solution / AAL association