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EU-Level Technical Guidance on adapting buildings to climate change | Project Launch Webinar

A study aiming at developing an EU-level technical guidance for adapting buildings to climate change has been commissioned by the EC, led by DG CLIMA, and is conducted by a consortium led by Ramboll.

The purpose of this study is to collect and synthesise existing methods, specifications, best practice and guidance for climate resilient buildings into a technical guidance document that can provide practical advice for professionals and be referenced or used in different EU policy documents. The output of the project will be of direct relevance for different types of actors involved in building construction and renovation and it will cover the different project stages, climate hazards and climatic zones.

The technical guidance will be developed in cooperation with key actors within the construction industry ecosystem, as it is of the utmost importance that this document is directly relevant and easily applicable for them. For this reason, the project includes a broad stakeholder engagement programme, that foresees the consultation of relevant actors at different stages of the project. You can find out more about the study by visiting the project website.

The purpose of the Project Launch Webinar, taking place on 16 February 2022, from 14:00 to 15:30 CET, is to present the project, as well as to inform on how you can contribute to developing the guidance.

You can register for the Launch Webinar by clicking on this link:
Please register ASAP by 11 February 2022.