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Renovation Videos: Energy refurbishment of a deprived neighbourhood in Madrid (Poblado Dirigido de Orcasitas)

The "Renovation Videos" project is a work led by BPIE (Buildings Performance Institute Europe) and REC (Renovate Europe Campaign), funded by ECF (European Climate Foundation) and running between July and December 2023, to film stories of energy renovation projects in five countries of the European Union (EU).

The "Poblado Dirigido de Orcasitas" in Madrid (Spain) has been selected as a success story for the Renovate Europe campaign. This case has been a success thanks to the organisation and citizen participation of the residents of the Poblado, who have managed to promote energy rehabilitation at the urban scale. This is a neighbourhood classified as vulnerable and will most likely be the first near-zero energy neighbourhood in Spain. This case points out that the transforming force that the European Union seeks for its "Renovation Wave" is to be found in neighbourhoods that are experiencing energy poverty or problems of access to an adequate amount of energy in the household.
You can watch the video at the following link:

This video was presented at the high-level conference "Renovate Europe Day 2023", at the European Commission headquarters in Madrid on October 3, under the title: TIME TO ACT : SPAIN AS A DRIVING FORCE ON BUILDING RENOVATION, organised by RENOVATE EUROPE.
In the afternoon a visit to the neighbourhood was made to show the European visitors the progress of the works.
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