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Report & event on the circularity of construction industries

The EC DG for Research and Innovation recently published the report "ERA industrial technology roadmap for circular technologies and business models in the textile, construction and energy-intensive industries" (availble on the EU Publications website here). This roadmap assesses relevant technologies for the circularity of the construction sector and all stages of a material and product lifecycle. It includes an overview of the construction ecosystem and its circularity, future scenarios by 2030 and 2050, innovative technologies and regulatory framework conditions, among other topics.
The EC is also organizing an event "Multiplying the Rs in industrial innovation: rethinking, redesigning, reusing, repairing, recycling" on 8 March 2023, in Brussels. This event is linked to the report mentioned above, so it will address the circularity of the construction sector as well. 
You can also register for virtual participation with the following link: