News Detail


Tampere University: Another application for ECTP Membership

ECTP has the pleasure to welcome another Applicant organisation, which membership will be formally endorsed during the ECTP General Assembly held in 2022.

Tampere University is a community of 21,000 students and 4,300 staff members. The University was created in 2019 through a merger between the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology and operates as a foundation. The university community also includes Tampere University of Applied Sciences that operates parallel to university and brings in unique applied expertise on several fields and grows the community to a hub of 40,000 enthusiastic and creative minds.

Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. Almost all internationally recognised fields of study are represented at the university. The university conducts scientific research in technology, health and society and provides the highest education within these fields. In 2020, the total income of the university was 315 M€ of which 39 % was external R&I funding. The university has a long experience on EU funding and ranks fourth among all Finnish participants in obtaining H2020 funding. One of the identified strategic goals of the university is to increase activities on EU funded research and being an active player on EU research policy issues and build strong networks to create impact.

The university also holds the European Commission’s “HR Excellence in Research” award and is a popular visiting and exchange location for both researchers and students.

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Source: ECTP Secretariat