

The European Affordable Housing Consortium SHAPE-EU has already defined a calendar of webinars that will be organized during 2023. There will be 2 sets of webinars:The training days which will be focused on the content…

The NEBULA project is launching a call to collect local examples of implementation of the New European Bauhaus (NEB) concepts, to be included in a NEB Vade Mecum currently under development. Examples should focus on…

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Research & Innovation (Clean Planet Directorate), in cooperation with Business Angels Europe is organising a pitching event in Brussels on 23 May 2023 afternoon, where…

The SmartBuilt4EU project is now closed. You will find below some fresh news on the final deliverables of the project, the final event held in Brussels, and the next steps.Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda and…

Young people are needed for innovative energy transition solutions. Join the International Clean Energy Challenge in summer in Austria! The organisers are inviting 40 young professionals and researchers under 35 (born…