08.07.2022 | Call for papers for a special issue of Buildings & Cities on demolition
ABSTRACTS DUE: 7 October 2022FULL PAPERS DUE: 15 February 2023
Buildings & Cities is an international, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed research journal. Its focus is the interactions between buildings,…
07.07.2022 | LIFE Clean Energy Transition Call 2022 (deadline to submit proposal on 16/11/2022)
The LIFE CET Call 2022 has nearly EUR 100 million available for funding project ideas to:
build the policy framework for the Clean Energy Transition at local, regional and national levelaccelerate the market for the…
07.07.2022 | SHAPE-EU Survey: Barriers and Needs for Implementing Deep Energy Refurbishment
The project European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU - Grant Agreement no. 101069909) will support SMEs, public authorities and affordable housing providers to implement…
01.07.2022 | Materials 2030 Roadmap published
Advanced materials and chemicals are essential for the well-being, high living standards and comfort of modern society. Advanced materials are considered to be a Key Enabling Technology. They are used in many sectors…
21.06.2022 | EU to build a Horizon Europe funded cloud for cultural heritage
The European Commission and EU Member States are starting discussions on creating a Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage to digitally safeguard European culture.The infrastructure will provide technologies for…