03.11.2021 | B4P Partnership presented by ECTP @ EUSEW 2021
Alain Zarli, ECTP Secretary General, has presented the Built4People (B4P) Partnership during the session Research for policy: Energy efficiency and sustainable building organised within EUSEW on 27 October 2021.
03.11.2021 | Invitation to online info session on R&I financing opportunity
Do you need financial support to consolidate or extend your Research & Innovation capacity at international level? Are you interested in working together with academic organisations and increasing the skills of your…
03.11.2021 | SmartBuilt4EU has published its second Newsletter
Throughout its second Newsletter, SmartBuilt4EU presents the recent progress of the project and the most remarkable activities carried out, such as:
* Promotion of your projects and innovations One of the key…
02.11.2021 | GEOLAB - workshops on Research, Innovation and Geotechnical Research Facilities
GEOLAB is an European network of renowned institutes bringing together six geo-centrifuges and six other large research facilities: a geo-model container, a pile foundation test pit, a static liquefaction tank, a railway…
26.10.2021 | IM-SAFE questionnaire & registration to IM-SAFE Symposium still available!
The H2020 CSA IM-SAFE project is paving the road towards the improvement of maintenance policies for the European transport infrastructure. The main goal of this project is to support the preparation of the mandate for…