24.10.2024 | IWG5Buildings White Paper on Clean Heating & Cooling Technologies and Thermal Energy Storage for Buildings
IWG5Buildings has published a new white paper on Clean Heating & Cooling Technologies and Thermal Energy Storage for Buildings.
This white paper aims to advance heat pumps, solar thermal energy technologies, thermal…
21.10.2024 | Speeding up the implementation of Zero-Emission Buildings and Neighbourhoods through targeted financial policies
The transition to zero-emission and energy-positive buildings, neighbourhoods, and communities is key to unlocking the EU's climate and energy ambitions by transforming both new and existing buildings into drivers of…
10.10.2024 | SET-Plan IWG5: Call for chair, co-chair and members for the task force on Industrialisation for the clean energy transition
IWG5 is looking for chairs and task force members for a new task force on industrialisation for the clean energy transition (T7) running from January to May 2025. The task force will shed light on the necessary measures,…
09.10.2024 | ACCORD 1st first training webinar on 6 November 2024
The ACCORD project team invites you for the first training webinar of a series of three webinars that will take place until spring 2025. This webinar series is designed to be an interactive point of discussion and…
07.10.2024 | Less than a month for Tomorrow.Building World Congress (Barcelona, 5-7/11/24). Discount codes for ECTP members
As previously announced, this year ECTP has become Collaborating Organisation for the Tomorrow.Building World Congress (Barcelona, November 5-7), celebrated alongside the Smart City Expo World Congress. This year’s event…