

The Energy Globe team knows that there are amazing projects all over the world which are saving our environment. Sometimes small projects, developed by creative and innovative people and entrepreneurs, have enormous…

Are you a building professional or a student interested in presenting your building renovation project using innovative BIM tools? Then participate in the BIM-SPEED Competition! You can submit your contribution and…

Energy efficiency – full speed ahead! This is the focus of the next European Energy Efficiency Conference on 7-8 April 2022 in Wels/Austria – part of the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED). The programme is now…

FEHRL, the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories, has issued the 18th edition of FIRM Magazine, with an editorial from its Secretary General and a message from its President.

It includes - among other…

Materials are the physical substance all things are made of. Advanced materials are designed with a purpose to have novel or enhanced properties and improve performance over conventional materials, products and…