

The Transport Research Arena (TRA) is THE European research and technology biennial conference on transport and mobility. The next planned editions will take place in Portugal/Lisbon in 2022 and Ireland/Dublin in 2024. …

A study aiming at developing an EU-level technical guidance for adapting buildings to climate change has been commissioned by the EC, led by DG CLIMA, and is conducted by a consortium led by Ramboll. The purpose of this…

The EU project INSTRUCT is collecting information about familiarity with digitalization, training, BIM (Building Information Modelling) and blockchain in the construction industry. Answers to this 5-minutes survey will…

ECTP has the pleasure to welcome Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), which membership will be formally endorsed during the next ECTP General Assembly.

The UPV is a public, dynamic and innovative institution…

On behalf of the European Commission, ECORYS is launching an expression of interest (EoI) for the purpose of developing supporting actions for the digitalisation of construction SMEs.

The dual purpose of this EoI is to…